March 12, 2025

How many games will be released on Switch in 2023? Maybe a little too many


Nintendo Switch owes it to his great Success among the number of quality games released since its launch in 2017 to date and among the records that the hybrid console has collected also includes that of Largest number of video games released in a year.

Without these free included in the subscription Nintendo Switch Onlinethat just a few hours ago he added two true masterpieces, that's how many games came out in 2023. Maybe a little too many.

As reported Analyst Mat Piscatellawere released last year 2360 titles on Nintendo Switch. So a result the highest value ever measured for a console in a single year.

For comparison, steam achieved the overall record for all platforms over 14,000 games released in 2023 on Valve's digital store. An impressive number that includes, among other things, many independently produced video games that escape Steam's quality control, but are still part of the total.

Regard Switch, from that 2017 have been published so far Almost 12,000 video games in Nintendo eShopaccording to the latest findings.

Even if you look at dedicated platforms like that Amazon pageFor those who choose the latest generation of Nintendo today, there are already many video games available.

In the 2023 On the other hand, some very valuable titles were published Nintendo Switchand that Ranking of bestsellers of Last year also had some surprises in store interesting to analyze.

We will see how long this trend lasts and whether it continues at the same pace in the future 2024while in the last few days a strange behavior has occurred from Nintendo: many reports have arrived about physical Switch video games they disappear from the shelves the whole world.

In any case The year 2023 was record-breaking for many reasons Nintendo, which led to the current historical moment in which She has never been so rich since the days of Wii.

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