January 23, 2025

Horizon’s DLC is truly next-gen, and there’s one detail that proves it


The first DLC dedicated Horizon forbidden westie the expected Burning Shoresis available from yesterday, April 19th.

players who loved this Aloy’s new adventurewho delve into the lands of the Forbidden West have long awaited the arrival of the additional downloadable content.

the DLCs, which skipped the last generation of PlayStation consoles By only saying yes to PS5, it appears to be taking full advantage of the power of the current-gen console.

In fact, as also reported by Games Radarit only seems so Burning Shores have a truly amazing graphic detail which left the fans speechless.

The handover of Clouds of the new DLC by Horizon forbidden west receives a lot of acclaim from fans, so much so that the noise is being felt now that the content is finally available.

The clip you can find just below is an excellent example of how dynamic and “alive” the clouds are Burning Shores.

Of course, it’s strange to praise a seemingly insignificant detail so much, but considering that before the DLC launched, Guerrilla spoke of the clouds as “explorable landscapes”, It’s no surprise that they really are that good.

Easily one of the most magical unscripted moments I’ve experienced in a video game…
from u/The_Fighter03 In horizon

The second clip just below is probably even more amazing. Aloy emerges from a small storm and steps out on the other side of the dark curtain to face one a stunning shot the sun breaking through the nearby clouds.

It’s a fantastic demonstration of just how much Horizon forbidden west They still look good more than a year after they were first launched.

How is that even possible???
from u/AngadSharma99 In horizon

Staying on topic, it sure looks like the DLC ending could do that open the doors to a real one horizon 3not officially announced yet.

Instead of talking about curiosities, you could also see that a very good fan had taken it upon himself a 2D version of Aloy’s adventures Really amazing?

But that’s not all: the guerrilla title has made one of the latest updates It’s much harder to take out cars in stealth mode.

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